1.In that case, I'll go after the 15th. How much are the off-season fares?
2.In that case the waves cancel each other and are said to be "out of phase. " That situation is called destructive interference.
3.So it's easy to get into the high temperature limit, in that case. Where you basically see a temperature independent heat capacity.
4.Then our bargain is off, " said the king. " If there was a moon, it was warm. In that case even I could have spent the night outside!
5.In that case I would be watching and ready to leave with very little notice.
6.In that case, a set of computations carried out in ignorance of these changes would come out with false results.
7.And in that case her death was as certain as that of her husband.
8.This has no bearing on how the browser actually retrieves a page from a Web server; in that case, text is still very much the best option.
9.But it could be two or three years, and in that case, there's going to be a lot of suffering and a lot of bankruptcies.
10.'In that case then, ' said the yogi, 'all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds. '